Supercharge Your Sales

The blueprint to a successful online store

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  • Do you consider yourself an artist, designer or creative and dream of running your own business selling your own creations?
  • Maybe you feel lost and overwhelmed at the thought of starting or growing your creative business?
  • You’ve been trying to make a go of it on your own and and like you’re not getting anywhere.
  • Do you wish you could just make money doing something you love?
  • Fed up of only selling your products to friends and family?
  • Tired of attending craft shows and not even making back the attendance fee?
  • Worried about how you can ever turn your craft in to a business?
  • Sick of people always asking for discounts and deals on your products?
  • Ready to take on your craft from hobby to thriving business?

And yet, you're fed up of trying to make it on your own because you're getting nowhere. You see all these successful businesses around you and wondering why they’re making all these sales and you’re not. You probably feel stuck, lost, confused and don’t know where to turn next. I know how that feels.


But you really can turn your hobby into a business and build a life which works for YOU.

You just need to be following the right path to get there. Imagine creating a business which you’re excited to work on every day, supports your lifestyle and allows you to be creative! How amazing would that feel?


- break the traditional 9-5 mould that you feel you’re stuck in?

- feel fulfilled by what you do?

- create a living which is flexible around your life?

- have customers who are actually people you don't know?

- get support from someone who has walked this path before?

  • understand how to turn your hobby, passion or craft and turn it into a business?
  • stop looking at successful businesses around you and wonder how they got there?
  • create your own schedule so you can work around your children and family?
  • be confident in your pricing so you actually earn what you're worth and make a profit?
  • know exactly what steps to take to build a solid foundation for a successful business?
  • to get excited about your work in the morning because you're passionate about it?

You don’t have to walk this path alone.

Now, I'm sharing my exact steps and method with you to create the business of your dreams in my program:

Supercharge Your Sales is a step-by-step blueprint of how to turn your hobby, passion or skill in to a successful online business.

Trying to start or grow a business from your passion is often confusing, overwhelming and down-right hard. Which is why I created this course. This is the exact roadmap I used to grow my business to six figures (not including the mistakes, errors and bumps in the road!)


Taking you from floundering hobbyist to thriving business owner.

Not only that, I still use the strategies, techniques and methods I share in this program today.

If you’re tired of wondering where your next sale is going to come from, feeling unfulfilled in your 9-5 and wondering how you’re ever going to turn your dream into a business then let me tell you that it’s really possible to:

  • Build a business doing what you love
  • Have customers eager to buy from you
  • Charge your worth so you actually make a profit
  • Create a flexible lifestyle so you can work when it suits you

Discover how to turn your passion in to a profitable business in just 6 weeks!

If you're anything like me, you've always been creative. And you knew you were never going to feel fulfilled by a traditional 9-5.

Your friends and family think you're crazy but you can feel it in your heart.

You get that feeling of dread on a Sunday night and you wish you could feel excited on a Monday.

You dream of doing something which you’re passionate about and make money from it.

Maybe you're thinking you could just figure this out on your own. You might be thinking, ‘I could just google this stuff. Or ask in a Facebook group’

Sure you could. But you’ll likely spend your time down a rabbit hole of information which doesn’t actually relate to you or find yourself reading information which you don’t even understand.

Supercharge Your Sales is the blueprint for a successful creative business to take you from struggling hobbyist to thriving business owner.

You'll see step by step what you need to do to start and grow you business. Not only that but you'll receive all the information, templates, resources and steps you need to take your business to the next level.




Identify the best product for your business (even if you have no idea what to offer!) You’ll also clarify who your DREAM customers are so you no longer waste time on people who won't buy and instead attract loyal customers who can't wait to buy from you.




Discover how to create a brand which is going to stand out from the crowd (even if you think you‘re in a saturated market), excite your customer and have them wanting to buy from you.




Wondering why you're not getting any sales online or where to even begin when it comes to creating an online store? Discover the must-have elements every online storefront needs to have to turn visitors into customers.




One of the most important factors to selling your products online is your product photography. Identify what makes a beautiful product photo and how you can take professional looking photos which sell.




The key to your business is pricing what your products are worth so you’ll actually make a profit. Uncover pricing strategies which will allow you to confidently price your products.




The final piece of the puzzle is marketing your business so customers can find you and want to buy from you! Define the opportunities which will work for your business and how to put them in place so you can make your business stand out and get sales.




Your chance to ask me anything about your business and the program as you work through the content plus I'll share with you what's working (and not working) in my own business!


Discover the strategies and techniques to take control of your time so you can achieve more in a single day.


Discover the right product which is going to kickstart your business.


Unlock the secret to getting featured in national and international publications to promote your business and gain credibility

Generate extra revenue in your business with bespoke orders but ensure you manage customer expectations with the Custom Order Framework.

Take your marketing to the next level and track the best social media content for your business

Not only will you up-level your customer interactions with this catalogue of customer response templates but you’ll save time and energy too.


"Alyssa showed me exactly where I was going wrong in my business and what I needed to do to turn things around. From my photography and branding to my website and marketing, she showed me exactly what I needed to do to start making consistent sales in my online store

My business used to leave me feeling confused, with no idea where to turn but now I know exactly what I’m doing and have the confidence to know what I need to do next. Alyssa knows her stuff when it comes to starting and building a successful online store - without her my business wouldn’t be where it is today.”

- Eeva Williamson, Cairn Wood Design


"Starting my business felt so confusing! I had big dreams to sell my candles but I had no idea what to do next. Following Alyssa's steps showed me where I was going wrong and what I needed to do to grow my business.

I've already had so much interest in my products - I am so excited for my new business journey!"

- Hannah Cooper, Divine Peace Boutique



"When I started my business I felt overwhelmed and like I was trying to do too many things.

Working with Alyssa showed me how to take my craft from a hobby to a business and what I needed to focus on to create products my customers will love.

Alyssa’s experience within the industry and her knowledge is invaluable - I definitely recommend working with her. I feel much more confident going forward with my business!"

- Katie Edwards, Katie's Little Workshop

Supercharge Your Sales:

    ✔ The complete Supercharge Your Sales program: 6 modules filled with worksheets, templates and checklists.
    ✔ Video replays for you to watch again so you don't miss a thing!
    ✔ Bonus training materials so you have access to all the elements I use in my own business.
    ✔ Q&A calls with me so you can get answers to any of your questions.

Supercharge Your Sales:

    ✔ The complete Supercharge Your Sales program: 6 modules filled with worksheets, templates and checklists.
    ✔ Video replays for you to watch again so you don't miss a thing!
    ✔ Bonus training materials so you have access to all the elements I use in my own business.
    ✔ Q&A calls with me so you can get answers to any of your questions.

    1 PAYMENT OF $997
    (SAVE 20%)

I remember sitting in my office job feeling so deflated at the thought that I was going to do this for the rest of my life.

And then I decided I wanted a new life.

A life where I would wake up excited every day.

A life where I could choose my hours so I could spend more time with friends and family.

And a life which allowed me to make money doing something I loved.

So I started selling my products. But I could never get beyond a couple of sales to friends, family and friends of friends. Having the successful business I dreamed of seemed so out of reach. I was devastated.

But a lot has changed since then...

Now I have a wildly successful online store. And I get to do something I love for a living.

But I’ll never forget how lost and confused I felt trying to start my business.

So I created a blueprint for how I got to where I am now and it’s available for you to buy for a limited time.

Supercharge Your Sales takes you through each step from identifying the right product, building your online store, setting the right prices and ensuring your new business flourishes.

Do you want to keep struggling and fumbling around trying to start and grow a business for years and years? Or do you want to unlock the possibility of freedom and make more sales NOW?

Your Instructor

Alyssa Garnham
Alyssa Garnham

Hi, I'm Alyssa!

I always felt like I wasn't cut out for a 9-5 job but I didn't know what else was out there for me.

I'd always been creative but I didn't know how I was ever going to get a job which left me feeling fulfilled. There was certainly no one I knew who got to be creative in their work.

Until one day, when I was stuck in my corporate role I started dabbling with an online store. I started out by selling a few items here and there, tried different strategies and methods (hit a few bumps in the road!) and before I knew it I'd grown my business to six figures.

My online store became so successful that I've now expanded to a bricks and mortar store and have a team to support me too.

But I've been where you are now, starting from scratch with a big dream but feeling lost, confused and struggling to make my business work. It was with the right steps that I discovered how to take my creative passion and turn it in to a successful business. I'll never forget how excited I was getting those first few sales come through for something I had created!

Now I'm sharing exactly how I did it so that you too can create a business doing what you love. This isn't only possible for the select few, it's really available to anyone who's ready to make a change in their life.


I've put together all the action steps, plans and strategies that have taken my business (and my life!) to where it is today.

I know what works, what's necessary and what you don't need to be wasting your time on to take your passion and bring it to life.

I started from scratch and built my business from the ground up and now I want to show you how you can do it too


I don’t have a business idea, does that matter?

No, we work on coming up with ideas or refining your existing ideas to ensure you can make them into a business.

You just need to have an open mind and be willing to brainstorm some potential ideas.

What if someone is already selling my idea for a product/business?

This is a common concern but not something you should worry about. In Supercharge Your Sales, we look at how your product is different and how to ensure it stands out from the crowd. So don't go thinking that 'all the good ideas have been taken' - because they really haven't!

I have a product based business but it’s not something I craft, will Supercharge Your Sales still apply to me?

Yes, the lessons, modules and strategies in Supercharge Your Sales can be applied to your business as long as it’s product based and you’re selling a physical product to customers.

How will I access the course modules?

This is an entirely online course made up of PDF workbooks, templates, checklists and training videos. Once you've registered you'll get a login to the training area and you'll be able to access the program materials there.

How long do I have to finish the course?

Once all the modules are available, you have lifetime access to the course.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of the content, refunds are not available.

Why is the price in dollars?

I’m based in the UK, but choose to use dollars because Supercharge Your Sales is available to you wherever you are in the world! Dollars is more of an international currency than pound sterling.


Do you want to feel supported and like you know which step to take next?

If you're ready to leave the confusion and overwhelm of starting and growing a business behind and want to know what action you need to take so you feel confident and empowered then Supercharge Your Sales is here to show you how to build an unstoppable creative business.

Get started now!

Got questions?

No problem! Get in touch on [email protected] and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.